

Here are some of my faves:

  • running; personal bests (no time is “official”; distances calculated with onthegomap):

    • 5K in 19:28 (on track)

    • 15K in 59:38 (my usual route along the Yarra River)

    • 21.1K in 1:25:31

    • 42.2K in <3:29 (I’m new to this)

  • hiking and camping (Bieszczady, the French and Austr(al)ian Alps, …)

  • particularly silly walks

  • bouldering (V4+), vie ferrate/Klettersteige

  • hovercrafts full of eels

  • cycling

    • 40K in 1:07:31 (Albert Park course in Melbs; standard road bike)

  • Monty Python’s Flying Circus

  • jazz (John Coltrane, Chick Corea, Vijay Iyer, …)

  • Polish, German, and French hip hop

  • “classical” music (Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, …)

  • José Saramago’s books

  • Lars von Trier’s movies

  • Rejs

  • Spanish Inquisition

  • Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming and Concrete Mathematics
