
Marek Gagolewski

Prof. Marek Gagolewski

(pronounced like: Maa’rek (Mark) Gong-o-leaf-ski)

Associate Professor in Data Science
Academic Director for Data Science Studies (Dean’s Proxy)

🏛 Department of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
📪 ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland (Math Building-MiNI, room 550; see my timetable)
🏛 Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
📪 ul. Newelska 6, 01-447 Warsaw, Poland

🆔 ORCID: 0000-0003-0637-6028

✉️ Emails (pick one – and only one): ○ marek▮gagolewski▯com (main) ○ marek▯gagolewski▮pw▯edu▯pl (academic)

📚 Open-access textbooks: ○ Deep R Programming ○ Minimalist Data Wrangling with Python
🖥️ Open-source software: ○ stringi ○ genieclust ○ clustering-benchmarks ○ stringx ○ realtest
🧐 See also: ○ GitHub ○ StackOverflow ○ G**gle Scholar ○ Vitæ ○ MADAM Seminar


  • 🔍 Researcher in data science (with emphasis on mathematical modelling of complex phenomena and developing usable, general-purpose algorithms and data analysis software)

    • Area editor in Fuzzy Sets and Systems (aggregation functions and data science)

    • Research interests: computational and applied statistics; machine learning; data mining on networks/graphs; data fusion, aggregation, and clustering; mathematical modelling in informetrics, bibliometrics, psychometrics, sports analytics, economics, social sciences, and science of science; systems research

    • Author/editor of ~100 publications, including journal papers in outlets such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Journal of Statistical Software, Journal of Classification, Information Fusion, International Journal of Forecasting, Statistical Modelling, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, and Journal of Informetrics

  • 💻 Free (libre) and open-source data analysis software developer

    • Author and maintainer of the fast&robust Genie hierarchical clustering algorithm; see Python and R package genieclust

    • Author and maintainer of stringi – one of the most often downloaded R packages (text/natural language processing)

    RStudio CRAN mirror downloads RStudio CRAN mirror downloads
  • 🎓 Data science, machine learning, and statistical computing lecturer