
Current Teaching and Timetable

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology – 2024 Summer Semester:

  • Structured Data Processing (1st year BSc in Data Science)

My timetable:

  • it’s the summer break :) drop me an email to check whether/when I’ll be at the office (550 MiNI)

Open-Access Textbooks

For many students around the world, educational resources are hardly affordable. Therefore, I have decided that my recent books should remain independent, non-profit, open-access projects. Whilst, for some people, the presence of a “designer tag” from a major publisher might still be a proxy for quality, it is my hope that they will prove useful to those who seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake. Please spread the word about these projects. Thank you.

My featured books:

For more, see my other textbooks. Also, my CV includes a more complete, boring list of my teaching-related activities.


I developed and taught many subjects related to programming, algorithms, computational statistics, and data analysis at Warsaw University of Technology (for over 15 years). I wrote a few textbooks.

I’m particularly proud of the Golden Chalk of the second degree (Silver Chalk? 😆) that I was awarded in 2019. Thanks. 🥰

I was one of the principal initiators/designers of the first data science degree in Poland (both at undergraduate and postgraduate level).

I also taught very intensive and demanding (in a good way) R- and Python-for-data-analysis classes at Data Science Retreat in Berlin (for five years).

In 2019–2024, I was a senior lecturer/researcher at Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia). I was responsible for SIT220/SIT731 Data Wrangling and SIT114 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.

In April 2024, I went happily back to teaching my fantastic students at Warsaw University of Technology.